Real Estate Photography

Real Estate Photography Matters

Research shows that over 95% of homebuyers utilize the internet to find a new home. Additionally, most new buyers initiate their search for a new home by browsing through online listings, often before even contacting an agent. And it should come as no surprise: buyers browsing online naturally gravitate to the listings with best photos.

The quality of the photos you use to market your listings is important for selling a specific property, but can also play a key role in acquiring new clients. Quality photography sends a message to potential sellers about you and your business.

HDRHigh Dynamic Range — is a process of taking multiple photos at various exposure levels and layering them on top of one another to create one final image. This allows for greater depth of field, increased vibrance, and improved luminosity.

At List Logix, we go one step further and edit each photo individually to ensure our clients are receiving the highest-quality real estate photographs.

The List Logix Difference

Our photographic process leads the industry:

  • Our team is made up of experienced professional photographers, all of whom are experts at highlighting the details that bring real estate listings to life.
  • We utilize a processing system that’s been fine-tuned to make properties look their best. Our production team inspects and processes every image by hand, making adjustments to the color, sharpness, composition, and fine-details of every photograph we deliver.
  • Our turnaround time can’t be beat. When you order photos from List Logix, you’ll receive finished, listing-ready images within one business day of the shoot.

Real Estate Photography – Samples


up to 2000 sq. ft. $140
2001–3000 sq. ft. $160
3001–4000 sq. ft. $180
additional square footage
per 1000 sq. ft. thereafter
Vacation/Short-Term Rental Property +$40

Real Estate Photography Samples

Make your listings stand out.

Get started with the best real estate photos, the fastest turnaround, and the most experienced, service-oriented professional photographers.